PTO News
PTO Officers for 2024-2025
President: Chrissy Snyder
Co-Vice Presidents: Ruthie Bresch & Jen Hickey
Treasurer: Kristin Hayden
Co-Secretaries: Colleen Reynolds and Jocelyn Silva
Meetings are held at 6:30 p.m.
PTO fundraising is the foundation for all good things our PTO does for the students and school. If you choose not to participate in fundraising, you can always make a monetary donation to the PTO. All gifts are tax deductible.
The following is a sampling of how money is spent:
Assemblies, Classroom Supplies, Game Night, Santa Shoppe, Yearbook, Book Fairs, Fall Fun Fest, Movie Night, School Picnic, Field Trips, Playground Equipment
The PTO cannot exist without volunteers, and Conestoga is fortunate to have many volunteers who give of their time and talent. Working on our many committees is a great way to become involved in your child’s life at school. You get to know the staff, your child’s classmates and other great Conestoga parents!
Earn money for Conestoga Elem.
Newsletters 2024-2025