Nominees sought for 2025 Outstanding Employee and Educator awards

If you know of a teacher or other staff member who goes out of his or her way to help students and support our schools, please consider nominating them for an Outstanding Educator/Employee Award. The deadline for nominations is this Friday, March 14, 2025.

Nominations will be accepted online only.

The school district will present the 2024-2025 awards for Outstanding Elementary Educator, Outstanding Secondary Educator and Outstanding Employee later this year.

Here is an explanation of the awards and nomination guidelines.

The Outstanding Educator Awards should be based on a teacher’s ability to promote academic growth in her/his students and for outstanding pupil-teacher relationships. A person may nominate one elementary teacher, one secondary teacher or one teacher on each level. The nominee must currently be employed by Penn Manor School District.

Outstanding Employee Awards should be based on a staff member’s ability to support the educational program and the quality of his/her relationships with staff and students.  A person may nominate one elementary staff member, one secondary staff member or one employee on each level. The nominee must currently be employed by Penn Manor.

Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge the hard work of our employees!

link to schedule for lunch and learn program

Pre-School Lunch & Learn

Here are the dates for Conestoga Lunch & Learn.  

Feb. 5, Mar. 5, Apr. 9, from 11:45-12:45 and May 7 from 6-7 PM

This program is for preschool students in the Penn Manor SD.  Students will be able to take a book from our library, listen to a story, do a craft, and eat lunch at the school.  

Please RSVP if interested.  717-872-9535

2025 Readathon flyer.pdf

READATHON at Conestoga

If you are interested in having your child take part in the READATHON at Conestoga please use this link to sign up.  The program is for students in grades K-2.  This program is led by Penn Manor High School students to do some fun activities and reading. It is funded by a generous grant from the Strong and Healthy Kids fund.  The times are from 3:30-4:30 on the following two dates:  February 27 and March 13.

Readathon Link

Art Selections for the Month

Students used different media styles to create these pieces.  2nd grade above and 3rd grade below

Look at these beautiful foxes created by 1st graders.

Here are several art projects from students as seleceted by this month's Kindergarten Art Expert.

Students in 5th grade worked on visual illusions.

Students in 4th grade created art work in the same style as artist Keith Haring. 

Student wearing letter U
Students wearing letter vests in line
Students wearing letter vests

Kindergarten Letter Parade

Each student in Kindergarten wore a letter vest and paraded in each of the classrooms showing off their letter.  This was in celebration of all the kindergarten students learning their ABC's.

Students wearing letter vests in line
solo celloist
School chorus

Winter Concert

Our 5th and 6th grade students put on a great winter concert.  Students in the chorus, orchestra and band played songs to family, friends and classmates.  Two students had their own solo performances and did a fantastic job.

orchestra members playing
Poster being signed by kids
Student looking at camera with card


Giving  Is Valued Encouraged Supportive

Thanks to the efforts and support of Mrs. Eckroat and the PTO we started a new program at Conestoga to allow students to give back to the community in different ways.  This month students had the opportunity to volunteer to use their recess time to make cards for community members who are part of Meals On Wheels.  Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 5th helped this Friday.  Next Friday will be the other grades.  Students also created a poster thanking the volunteers at Meals on Wheels for their efforts.  The students will have the chance to do this for two different organizations in January and February. 

Girls coloring cards

Drum Assembly

We are so Thankful to the PMEF who supported the Drum Assembly at all of the elementary schools.  Oour students had a blast playing the drums, shakers, and blocks.  They learned about music from Africa, Caribbean, and Brazil.

Balloons Over Broadway

First graders were getting ready for the Thanksgiving Parade by reading "Balloons Over Broadway" and decorating the hallway with their own balloons.  

Some turkeys in our school were putting on disguises to avoid being noticed before Thanksgiving.  

Students listening to speaker
Students on the dock

4th Grade Field Trip 

Students took a field trip to the John Smith Historical Trail (The Susquehanna River) to study stream life and to learn more about Native Americans and the area that surrounds us.  Students became junior Park Rangers as well.

students looking at life from the stream
student wading in water
Pumpkins like Piggy and waldo
Clifford pumpkin and Pete the Cat pumpkin
Magic Treehouse Pumpkin

Storybook Pumpkins

We have over 40 pumpkins depicting a variety of student stroybooks in our Conestoga Pumpkin Patch.  Such creativity from students and families.  

Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar Pumpkin
Spiritwear Fall 2024.pdf

PTO Fundraiser

The Conestoga PTO is thrilled to announce the launch of the new online Spiritwear Store for Conestoga Elementary School! The spiritwear sale will run from today, October 8th, until Monday, October 21st, at 12 PM. Our online shop features a diverse selection of apparel and accessories for Conestoga Elementary and Penn Manor, including shirts, hoodies, hats, and garden flags. Click the link below to fulfill all your spiritwear needs. Orders will be delivered to the school during the week of November 17th. Please stay tuned for further details regarding pickup. Visit our spiritwear store at

Students looking at animal furs
students listening to park ranger

5th Grade Canoemobile

Students were able to learn teamwork as they paddled along the Susquehanna.  Lessons on local Native Americans and the importance of the waterways that surround us were also taught.

students paddling a canoe
Student enjoying bubbles
Cometman giving a high five
student running

Fun Run

What a beautiful day for the Fun Run.  Thank you to the PTO and all the parent volunteers for the time and effort to make the day a success.  The kids had a great time and really enjoyed the time outside.  We also had some awesome help from high school National Honor Society students.  

Students doing the hula hoop
student running

4th Grade Helpers

Each day our 4th grade students buddy up with our Kindergarten students to make sure the students get on the right bus in the afternoon.  

Reading Challenge Reward Day

Students who completed the Reading Challenge  were offereda a reward day. Students chose between two activities during the day.  In the morning, students were able to get outside and enjoy some spirited competition.  In the afternoon, students used their creativity to paint some beautiful works of art.  

Great Start Back

We are off to a wonderful start at Conestoga.  Our BUNCH were so thrilled to have all the students back in the school this year.  

Blog Conestoga Reading In Motion 2024
Conestoga Summer Reading 2024-2025


We have two reading challenges for students this summer.  The first is for students going into Kindergarten up to students going into 3rd grade.  The other is for the students going into 4th-6th grade.